

Information on Board of Directors


Particulars of the Board of Directors

04.03.2022 to  04.03.2024

Management Structure of Ashraf Foundation ( AF)


Ashraf Foundation is democratic in nature as per approved constitutions of the organization. The organization has the following three principal management organs: 

General Body

·       Executive Committee

·       General Administration

·       General Administration


General Body:

General Body is the highest body of Ashraf Foundation and consists of all the general members of the organization. The total number of member of the general body is 21. General meeting is held with general members at least once in a year. But if necessary, it can summon emergency meeting. In the general meeting policy and activities of the Executive Committee is approved. The member of the General Body will pay regular monthly subscription; actively take part in each meeting of General Committee and different social work. The General Committee will form the Executive Committee and will approved annual budget.


Executive Committee:

The members of the General Body elect 7-member Executive Committee (EC) for the period of two years. The EC sits once in a quarter to look after the activities of the organization and takes necessary decisions. The Committee is responsible for overall management of total program/project implemented by the organization. The responsibility of the Committee are to create income sources and maintain accounts, budget preparation, bank account operation, participate in bi-monthly and special meeting, deposit and fixed assets and liquid assets. The Executive Director plays the role of the secretary of the Executive Committee as per his right of designation. But the Director has no right of casting vote in the election of the committee formation.

General Administration:

The Executive Director is the Chief Executive of the organization and is responsible for overall administration of the organization. He is accountable to the Executive Committee and executes projects and programs by a number of program and administrative staff, workers and the professionals. Ashraf Foundation (AF) has a good number of permanent staff, temporary staff and volunteers. There are two types of staff such as head office staff and field level staff. The field level staffs are responsible for implementing all planned and project activities in the working areas. The staffs of the central office are responsible to the Executive Director. 
